Laveen Elementary School District Governing Board

Mekell Bell

  • 16 year Laveen resident

  • Mother of 5 children (4 in Laveen District)

  • Master’s degree in Education

  • Teacher since 2006

  • Volunteer Jr. Suns, CCV, and school coach

Endorsed by:

Quick Facts about Mekell

-16 year Laveen resident; my husband and I bought our home where we still live here in Laveen in 2008

-Mother of 5 kids ages 3-13

-4 of my kids attend the Laveen school district, and the last one will start in 2 years; I will have children in the district for almost 2 decades once all my kids go through!

-kids have attended the Laveen school district for 8 years

-Educator since 2006

-Master’s degree in Education

-Volunteer basketball, softball, and soccer coach for my kids’ school, CCV, and have coached 10 Jr. Suns teams at the Cesar Chavez and South Mountain community centers

-Volunteer youth leader and teacher with my church for 16 years 


My name is Mekell Bell, and I’m running for a position on the Laveen District Governing Board. My husband and I have lived in Laveen for 16 years, since 2008. We started and raised our family of 5 children, ages 3-13, here, as well. I have 4 children currently attending the Laveen school district, and we love it. We’ve been in the district since my oldest child, who is in 8th grade this year, started kindergarten and plan to stay through my youngest child’s entire time there. That will make it 18 years we’ll be in the Laveen school district! I love this community, our school, and our school district and have a vested interest in everything our district does and the success of our students because it personally impacts my children and family directly. 

I’m also an educator. I began my career teaching in 2006 and specialize in English and Language Arts and also ESL. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Education. I love teaching, and because of my classroom experience, am an advocate for teachers and have a passion for public education. As a mom and a teacher, I believe that children should be our top priority, in schools and society. I believe that all students have the potential to learn and excel and deserve the right to flourish in a safe, positive, and inclusive environment. 

I’m very involved in the community because I believe Laveen is an amazing place to live and raise a family. I also believe that it’s our job as Laveen residents to keep our community great by working together and volunteering where possible. I have volunteered at my kids’ school as a Junior Achievement teacher for the past 8 years (2016-present), have been a leader of my local church youth group for 15 years (2008-2013, 2014-2024), and have a passion for youth sports and have been a volunteer basketball, softball, and soccer coach for my kids’ school, CCV, and have coached 10 Jr. Suns teams at the Cesar Chavez and South Mountain community centers (2021-present). Working with children and teens and being a positive role model for them is something I take seriously, and I believe investing in our youth is investing in our future and one of the most important things we can do. 

I’m excited for the opportunity to work together, along with our incredible district employees, other governing board members, parents, students, and the community, to make the Laveen school district the best it can be for everyone because I believe our kids, and the community as a whole, are worth it! I pledge to listen and work together with all stake holders to keep our district growing in success and as a safe, excelling, positive place for everyone. 

Maricopa County Superintendent’s Office Interview:

Why did you decide to run?

Having worked in education as a public school teacher since 2006 and now having 4 of my own children in public schools, I not only have a vested interest in the decisions made for our schools, teachers, and students, but I also have a skill set and expertise that make me a motivated and passionate candidate. I know that school districts that function well and excel have strong leaders and a governing board that has members who understand the education system and have a strong passion for public education and want to see it succeed, and I definitely do. I have also seen dysfunctional districts and boards infiltrated by people who want to tear down public education and control what teachers, our educated professionals, do in their classroom and teach in their curriculum. I made a decision when I knew there would be open seats on our district governing board this upcoming election cycle that I would be the change that I had been hoping for, that I would stand up for what is right and that is public education, freedom for teachers to teach what they deem educational and appropriate, and for all of our students to be respected and safe. 

What experiences, personal or professional, would inform your role as a school board member?

My most important role is a mother to my 5 children ages 3-13 years old. As a mother, I can empathize with parents and their concerns because I am one. It also gives me a direct, first hand look into the district and its strengths and struggles because 4 of my 5 children attend a school in the district, so I have a vested, personal interest in the success and safety of our children because they’re mine, too. I also have a Master’s degree in Education and have been a teacher since 2006. Over the years, I’ve taught English/Language Arts, ESL, math, and PE to students from all walks of life, but I specifically loved working with higher risk students as I taught at a residential treatment center for students with addiction, at Durango Juvenile Detention Center, and at a school for refugees. Teaching is my passion and advocating for all kids and families is something I take seriously and have made my life's mission. 

What do you hope to accomplish if elected?

If elected, my highest priority will always be doing whatever possible to help our kids be successful in their learning and keep them safe in their environment. I feel that success in academics looks like individual growth and improvement for each child, and it also means the school and its staff work with the parents and families to make a whole, learning, growing child inside and outside of school. It means that each child has its needs met in the classroom by providing educated and highly trained teachers and staff, as well as meeting their needs, both physically and emotionally, as the district works to help and improve families by providing mental health services and community outreach programs. Successful education also starts with every student and staff having the right to feel safe in their learning and working environment. Safety for our kids will be my highest priority as a mom with kids in these schools, as well. 

How would you work to ensure students are college or career ready? How would you work to support students learning English and students with disabilities?

As a high school teacher, I think the way to ensure students are college or career ready is not only by teaching them the approved curriculum but also in daily application of the subject material to regular life, specifically making it meaningful to them. As students see how the things they are learning apply to their every day life, and when we make learning personal, it becomes less about memorization and more about important skills that they are acquiring to lead to their growth as people and to improve their families and futures. As a certified ESL teacher,  supporting students who are learning English is also exceptionally important to me, as is supporting our students with disabilities and their families. As a district, we should always bear these diverse needs in mind as we plan and make decisions, and I commit to doing that and being a voice for all, especially those that feel marginalized or under represented. 

How would you work to help recruit and retain quality educators?

Having quality educators is paramount to a successful district. Recruiting and retaining quality educators in our district starts with hiring knowledgeable, hands on principals who have worked in the classroom and who are advocates for their students and teachers alike and who make a positive working environment for teachers and staff. As a board member, I will take hiring principals as part of my role very seriously because I know it can make or break a school because I’ve seen it first hand as a teacher. When you have a good, positive principal, teachers want to stay long term and want to perform their best and then help improve student achievement in the process. As a board member, I will also commit to keeping our district competitive with its pay schedule in order to recruit and retain quality educators and allow for the possibility of moving upwards as our first priority should be promoting from within and recognizing achievement

What is your position on behavioral health programming and access to counselors in schools?

If we want our kids to be successful in the classroom, which I definitely do, their basic needs have to be met first, and those basic needs include mental health. I have worked in schools that have provided mental and behavioral health counseling and services, and I can tell you first hand that my students having access to these services not only helped them in their mental health and with behavioral issues but it also helped them in the classroom because they were able to work on struggles that otherwise would potentially be distractions to their learning. When their mental health was addressed and taken seriously, and when behavioral issues were helped and managed, these students blossomed and became amazing students. Every student is capable of learning and being successful, and providing these services helps all students see personal growth and improvement and strengthens classrooms and schools as a whole. 

Do you support seeking additional funding for school facilities and operational costs via voter-approved and taxpayer-funded bond and override measures?

It is imperative that our schools receive additional funding via voter-approved and taxpayer-funded bond and override measures in order to keep meeting the ever growing needs of our children. The greatest thing that we as a society can invest in is our future, and that future is our children. As taxpayers, we definitely should get a say in how our money is being spent, and this is a way to do just that. As we, as voters, vote to approve and support bonds and override measures, we are directly impacting the schools in our areas and the services they are able to provide the students and the staff they are able to employ. When we vote in support of these, we quite literally vote to improve and strengthen our neighborhood and community. I know of no better way of making a direct impact to our life than supporting schools and their ability to educate and help children and families because that directly impacts every person and community.